One That Got Away #1 - Lewis Bowden

“In rollerblading we tend to focus on success or suffering. Videos have historically celebrated the victory of landing a trick or the horrible, and sometimes humorous, consequences of when it all goes terribly wrong. However, we rarely give any attention to the process of trying to land a trick and the various elements that sometimes make it unachievable.

Lewis Bowden and I recently went filming and he got into a battle with a relatively complicated line. Despite almost landing it on the first attempt, the next 30-plus tries resulted in fatigue, injury and the obstacle he was skating gradually getting more and more damaged, and ultimately he was unsuccessful.

Rather than let the footage go to waste, we thought it might be interesting to compile all the attempts and discuss the various elements which made getting the clip difficult. We also then got on to the topic of how blading is portrayed at large.” - David McNamara