Platform #27 - Dominic Bruce

“Easily the best of the new generation of current skaters to emerge from Scotland and arguably one of the most interesting skaters in the world at the moment, Dominic Bruce personifies an exciting future for the sport. He is a fierce competitor who is never far from the podium and, as David Sizemore's 5th Floor highlights, he is an exceptionally creative street skater with an enormous talent to back up his wildly imaginative ideas. If he keeps going on his current trajectory, he promises to take what is possible on skates into unchartered territory.

Dom talks about his astounding section in 5th Floor, his admiration for David Sizemore and his ability to capture a side of his skating he believes no-one else has so far, why he has chosen to call Copenhagen home, his numerous adventures with the Haitian crew, his thoughts on sponsorship and the industry, and much more. I predicted this episode was going to be full of wit, charm and just hint of cheekiness, and Dom did not disappoint. What many people may not know about him is that he is also incredibly thoughtful, reflective and not afraid to criticise himself, making a conscious drive for self improvement. Wherever his life takes him, it's guaranteed to be a hell of an adventure.”
- David McNamara

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