Platform #21 - Eugen Enin

“Eugen Enin was one of the first people I wanted to get on the podcast because the last time I interviewed him was just such a great laugh. Despite being a professional in every sense of the term, he doesn't take himself too seriously and he is quick to poke fun at himself. I knew he would be an entertaining guest that people would enjoy listening to as much as I enjoy speaking to. Unfortunately, the timing was terrible and he was in hospital recovering from surgery, so he wasn't in the best place of mind to answer a bunch of questions. Fast forward a couple of months and he finally took me up on the offer.

Last year Eugen dropped Shadow Chronicles, a massive free section that puts most VOD parts to shame, then he went under the knife to correct a longstanding ankle problem. Now that he back on skates and working towards being able to perform to his incredibly high standards, it seemed like the perfect time to ask about his latest section, his upcoming pro skate, his views on the industry and more.

You also get an insight into Eugen's relationship with his brother Danny, who corrects him, tells him off for talking too fast and remembers blading trivia that he forgets at various points throughout the podcast. Listening to the two of them interact is entertainment in itself!” - David McNamara

Platform is also available on Spotify and iTunes.