Platform #12 - Gregory Preston

“Greg Preston has got a lot of wild stories, so much so that we soon realised the 1.5 hours we set aside for this episode would not be enough! Unwittingly walking in on a hotel robbery and getting pistol whipped, being harassed by the police, and getting shot at while driving around with Alex Broskow - and we've not even got to the skating part yet. As a result, we had to record this podcast over two separate sessions. As the creative force behind Too Easy, Greg is responsible for a growing catalogue of impressive videos including Software Update, Papas, Boltless Future, Independent, Momentum and the recent Derek Henderson pro skate promo. The brand is turning into an international movement, with popular softgoods, a collaboration with Dead Wheels that sold out in a weekend and the newly announced Them x Too Easy 909 skate. Greg explains how it all started, what it's like to film with Jon Julio and offers some funny stories from working in the new Them storefront in Santa Ana.” - David McNamara