Sean Darst — Blader Union - Daily Blade

Sean Darst

Brain Dead x THEM Skates 'Future Shred Technology'

Brain Dead x THEM Skates 'Future Shred Technology'

Brain Dead and THEM Skates present ‘Future Shred Technology’. A 17 minute assault on all of your senses.

Nickel and Dime best switchup comp 2021

Nickel and Dime best switchup comp 2021

“Want to see what really went down at the Nickel & Dime 'Best Switch Up Rail Jam' in Los Angeles last weekend?” - Intuition Skate

Official by Official Sunday Brunch

Official by Official Sunday Brunch

OFFICIAL, The 2nd Official, Official Sunday Brunch Video.

THEM Skates presents 'THEM NOW' starring Jon Julio

THEM Skates presents 'THEM NOW' starring Jon Julio

An in-depth look into THEM skates as a brand, Jon as a person, and exactly how a blading should be displayed. Perfection.

Them Skates and Mike Torres Present The ELLOS VOD Teaser

Them Skates and Mike Torres Present The ELLOS VOD Teaser

Ellos is an upcoming VOD by Mike Torres starring Alex Broskow and featuring the skating of many, many, more.