Rollerblading is Back... Now What?

“Back in January, I posted a video titled “2020: The Return of Rollerblading,” outlining four emerging factors that would contribute to the resurgence of inline skating. With rollerblading trending on Google and being noticed by the masses (including an article by NPR, Sports Illustrated, and the X-Games), it’s clear that skating is back on the cultural radar.

Clearly, momentum is on our side . . . but now is the not the time to take our collective foot off the gas pedal; if we want blading to thrive, we are the ones that need to invest in our sport, and the time to do so is right now. I’m Butch Lehman of Roll Minnesota, and today I want to talk about five things everyone of us can do to support rollerblading.
Step 1: Buy Skate VODS
Step 2: Support Skateshops
Step 3: Connect to Social Media
Step 4: Be Active at Skateparks
Step 5: Skate with Other People

I’m excited for the future of skating and what it has in store for rollerblading, and if you want to be part of the comeback here’s how you can help.” - Roll Minnesota