Matt Burke is back in the park shredding some transitions

“It was my birthday this week, so I took the time to learn something, or re-learn something, new and that is TRANSITION!

Check out that first Transition video here: As y'all know, I'm a HUGE fan of p-rails, handrails, and any round railing type obstacle to grind, but transition is something I've always had an eye on, but never been any good at. I don't know what the change has been, other than my skates, but for some reason I am way more comfortable and seem to have way more of a grasp on what I'm supposed to be doing, so I'm super pumped to expand on this and put my grinds to use on the coping.

If y'all see any kind of racist garbage at your parks, please go ahead and buff that nonsense out. Nobody should have to show up at a skatepark and see some hate speech sprayed around it. Be a good person, please.” - Matt Burke