Matt Burke: Skating Through Sobriety

“In last week's video description, I put 1 little sentence about celebrating 9 years sober from alcohol and I received such an incredible amount of comments that I figured I would share a little bit about my journey on camera. Not here to preach or tell anyone how to live their lives, just sharing a snippet into my personal life and hope it can shine some light on some things.

*If you do want to quit drinking, please look into it before you're laying in a pool of bloody pee and vomit, by yourself, in a bathroom. As for the skating aspects, I FINALLY got the nerve to go for a unity on coping and as you can see in the thumbnail, I got it, so it was a wildly successful week. Also tried out a few other new things that were unsuccessful, but gives me something to work on next week. Hoping to get out of town soon and hit a new park to give me something new to skate and y'all something new to look at. I appreciate ya sticking with me during this weird time! Stay safe, y'all.“ - Matt Burke