Matt Burke At The Santa Rosa Beach Skatepark

“A brand NEW skatepark opened up in Santa Rosa Beach, FL recently, so I had to take a trip over to test it all out and get some brand new content.

I mention the 'brand new content' because I've recently been dealing with a headache in the background with my channel being demonetized wrongly. More information about that is toward the end of the video if you're interested in hearing about my dilemma. With that outta the way, I realized that I didn't talk about my feelings about the skatepark; I guess I was just a bit caught up with other nonsense at the time, but I will try to remember to give a rundown in the next video. Bottom line is the park was super fun. I DO wish the downrails were a little higher and a little bit longer to make for a more legit locking on experience, but it was fun to throw some tricks on them that I've never done on downrails. Hope y'all are staying sane and safe out there. I barely am!” - Matt Burke