Mark Heuss' Au Revoir Aeons

“Watch me carefully roll my way through 2016-2020. Besides my personal life flipping upsidedown a few times in '17 and a complicated ankle surgery in '18, I could not resist to record my wheely moves from time to time. Peep the outcome, hence being on the road to recovery, I am looking forward to an improved version of myself in 2022. Or 2030.

This part also sets a stamp to an end of my decade in the big corp blade biz, ending my Powerslide/USD days, starting my grass roots blade playground with Entente Goods. Au revoir Aeons, you were nothing but great (if heavily modified and randomly interrupted by #teamsalomon vintage dreams). Now let's feast all of the forbidden fruits and create my own stuff.

Filmed all around the South of Germany by my friends, thank you. Tried to save that Elbow song for a different VOD project, but Corona...” - Mark Heuss