Montre Livingston's Last New Trick Of 2019

“What up world, your Friendly Neighborhood Rollerblader here. So, my 2019 was a good year. I did tons of skating all around the world. Won a few good competitions. Met a bunch of new friends. Had my own contest for the second year in a row. Spent more time with the fam and just VIBED all year. Earlier in the year I did a trick that I wanted to do for years but never thought I was good enough. It took many many attempts but, I pulled it off. As 2019 was coming to a close, I decided I'd do one more NEW TRICK for myself. Just to see if I could do it. This is that trick. It took me forever. These aren't all the attempts because I wasn't filming at the start. Although I dont slide it as long as I would have liked, it's still a WIN in my book. Cheers to the end of a great year and the beginning of a new one. Happy New Years FOLKS.” - Montre Livingston