Roll Minnesota's Windy City Riot 2019 Edit

“The 19th annual Windy City Riot in Chicago was unreal, featuring talented bladers from across the country! We decided to take a road trip from Minnesota to check it out and weren't disappointed. Special thanks to David Depew and the other Chicago skaters for the excellent experience and hospitality; we hope to be back next year!” - Roll Minnesota

Congratulations to the podium finishers:
1st: Adam Bazydlo
2nd: Luke Naylor
3rd: Michael Braud
4th: Chemi Simiyu
5th: Don Bambrick

Included in this edit: Dave Walsh, Chase Linzmeyer, Chemi Simiyu, Adam Bazydlo, Luke Naylor, Michael Braud, Don Bambrick, Zack Savage, Caleb Smith, Logan Clark, Tri Tri Rudulph, Paul John, Michael Froemling, Brian Bruno, and more!