Jax Beach Skatepark and AO Pornstars - Matt Burke | VLOG

“What a week! I was finally able to make it over to the Jacksonville beach skatepark and skate for a few hours and it was incredible. I also set out this week to learn and be able to land the alleyoop pornstar - a trick I've been scared of forever - and I'm pretty pleased with how it all worked out.

After the day at Jacksonville, I switched from the Zoom camera to my Canon 7d and the quality of the video is so much better it almost hurts my feelings, but I'm totally here for it.

I didn't make it to Atlanta this weekend for Atown Stomp, but I'm hoping to get up there soon to Old 4th Ward skatepark and see what I can get into.

Still heading to St Pete skatepark April 12/13 and Miami on April 14th, would love to meet up if anyone lives in those areas! Full disclosure: There are quite a few clips of me attempting the alleyoop pornstar to give an overall vibe of how long I was working at this thing. Totally worth it, though.” - Matt Burke