Blader Union - Borklyn Zoo's Archive 14 From Zoo Revolution

Borklyn Zoo's Archive 14 From Zoo Revolution

“This is one of our longest and biggest projects ever, we filmed nearly a year for this video. As you can see Eugen had some good times and some bad times haha @24:17 was our last day filming for the HD Part and our last time, for a while, filming with our old HD cam because Eugen unfortunately kicked in the fisheye (@26:17) and destroyed the sensor a bit. And @26:23 you can see that the camera made some crazy effects by its own!” - Borklyn Zoo

Locations: Düsseldorf, Münster, Oberhausen, Borken, Mönchengladbach, Essen, Dortmund, Heiden, Doetinchem, Bochum, Dorsten, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Moers Dates: 20. September 2015 - 31. July 2016