Be-Mag's Kevin Little Checks In With Mery Muñoz

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“When looking at the current state of inline skating you can make the assessment that there is an overall lack of professionalism from some of its participants. There are a few exceptions to this view and one of them is the incredibly talented Ms. Mery Munoz. Mery embodies what it means to be a professional by the way that she represents herself and her sponsors to the general public. She is a Rollsport Academy and Blading Camp skate instructor that understands the responsibilities and importance of being a positive role model that teaches the fundamentals of inline skating to developing skaters. She also holds herself to a high standard of presenting herself and her skating in the best possible light to her fans and also the companies that she represents. Being a female in a predominantly male dominated sport has its fair share of adversities but Mery is proving time and time again that she is as formidable on eight wheels as any of her counterparts of the opposite gender. We had the opportunity to speak with Mery about her early skating roots, how our industry can better represent women and what projects she is currently working on. We are proud to present to you the incredibly talented, Mery Munoz.” - Kevin Little for