Jonas and Eugen - Photo courtesy of Jonas Hanssen
For the past several years, the streets have been under attack from a face few knew just five short years ago. With the ferocity in his tricks we'd seemed to of lost over the last several years, the switch and natural trick vocabulary of Richie Eisler, style unmatched by any of his peers, and a grin that never leaves his face; he rose from the streets seemingly overnight. Eugen Enin is at the absolute top of his game. And only 3 CCD sensors away, behind a few focal rings of glass, Jonas Hansson is taking rollerblading cinematography in his own direction. With a few beautifully composed full length projects under his belt over the last 10 years, his keen eye was fixed on his second subject for his newly started Elite Series of videos. We got a chance to talk to the both of them about the Elite Series 2 project, life, and what the future holds for them both. Start downloading the video here: You will not regret this purchase.
Hey Eugen and Jonas. Firstly, congrats on the profile! It looked simply amazing. Great choice of music, the videography was beautiful, and the trick selection was incredible. How has the traffic been for you on this project? Did you get as many downloads as you'd like or more than you expected?
JH: Thank you, glad you enjoyed the video. Yeah it’s on the right track, I’m happy.
EE: Thanks you guys :). Yes, it's alright. I’m happy too.
Jonas, what is the core idea behind the Elite Series of videos?
JH: To be honest the series came into being quite naturally.. while finishing up Glowicki’s Malaga piece, Eugen and I began to discuss shooting another one.
I was really enjoying shooting again after a good break, so the Elite Series was born. It’s basically gonna be a string of edits featuring some of the best in the game right now, hence the name.
36 Chambers - Wu is forever
How many more are you hoping to make? Anyone lined up so far?
JH: Don’t wanna spoil too much just yet… but agent Q and I recently started shooting for the next installment.. and planning on a following one. So expect at least two more..
Eugen, you just dropped your first signature skate, and this video had a bunch of clips of you in the prototypes. Very different looking skate, and we're totally into it! Did you choose the Carbon Free model over the Carbon Shelled model? Do you prefer one of them over the other, or do they skate basically the same for you?
EE: I used to ride the Carbons but since USD released the carbon Frees, I never came back hahaha. So yes, they are definitely different. Not way to much but Carbons are more steady and stiff, which is really good too, but I prefer a bit more flex. Plus I have a bit wider feet which easier to handle with carbon frees too.
Framing up the shot - Photo courtesy of Jonas Hansson
What were some of the hurdles you both overcame filming this profile?
JH: Can’t really think of any big ones besides being on the clock, we only had a limited amount of time to do a full part.. But Eugen definitely rose to the challenge. Think we both went into cryosleep for a week after this, or maybe that was just me...
EE: Jonas described it really well. Felt like a mission. But an exciting one! During the last days my Body already started to protest… But I enjoyed that Adventure so much that I could easily handle that. hahaha yeah, I couldn’t chill after that trip and directly dislocated my thumb…
What was the hardest trick to do (Eugen), and what was the hardest trick to film (Jonas)?
JH: Probably the pole pivot spin transfer topsoul or the long true mizue on the c-ledge.. both of which took some time to get (understandably) both recorded on a heavy camera stabilizer setup.. lot’s of takes can be physically strenuous, but you still gotta make sure every shot is on point for when the he finally lands it.
EE: that kind of question is always hard to answer. Physically the pivot transfer and the long true zou been definitely the hardest ones… Mentally to reach the breakthrough… the ender and the fishy been tough… I’m afraid of heights and was scared of getting caught in that shotgun rail at the end. Spot wise the hurricane Top Soul at night with that short run up and the ao Soul kink line because of the super short and sketchy jumping area.
One thing we noticed was a beautiful color gradient over the entire film. Was that all completed in post production, or is it really just that pink and green out there?
JH: Thanks for noticing, I put in effort with color grading.. can’t take to much credit for the pink cherry blossom trees.
What was the post production process like? Did you have the audio track in mind before you started filming or was it just something that came together in the end?
JH: I had a couple of tunes in mind which I shared with Eugen, nothing was set in stone before I started cutting.. often enough I will try a few different directions before deciding. The Grizzly Bear track felt the most powerful and perhaps the most unexpected way to go with Eugen, when comparing to his past videos, so we agreed to go with that. Love to emerge myself in the post production, lot’s of hours go into this but it’s such a pleasure when working with material of this caliber.
Eugen, we really feel like this is the best section you've ever produced, how do you feel with the end product of this project?
EE: In my view, its my best work up to date. It feels well rounded. I always love to work with Jonas but especially filming for that one was really exciting to me. And how it came out in the end is even better than I imagined it. But I’m not done yet, so let's see what the future brings… #cantstopwontstop #anotherone
FS Backslide down the long 20 - Photo courtesy of Jonas Hannson
Jonas, I was recently chatting with the Haunted PDX guys out here, and they were pretty speechless with the end product. "Jonas is just to far on the next level. Nothing else is even touching his work right now." What do you feel like you bring to the table that maybe some other videographers aren't doing in this day and age? Any sage advice for the kids hoping to walk in your shoes?
JH: Well, that makes me humble to hear.. Not sure if it’s true, but I appreciate the kind words. Guys like Dom West, Mathias von Gostomski and the Cayenne crew to name a few.. think we all push each other on some level. My thing has always been trying to stay true to my inner voice and just go with it no matter what others might think.
“Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.” not my words but great advice.
What is your thought process when it comes to framing up a shot and filming a trick?
JH: I think simply making the trick / obstacle and surroundings shine to the best of my abilities.. been shooting blading since I was fifteen, a lot of time it just feels like second nature.
Can you both give us 5 quick reasons to grab this video?
JH: Think about it.. Eugen, Eugen, Eugen, Eugen Enin and Eugen cause he spit hot fire.
EE: hahaha Oh Jonas hahaha
Jonas Hansson, Copenhagen, my new pro Skate, physically limit reaching maneuvers (and my super rare true mizue, never doing them in videos…), #Pantz
Super Rare True Mizue - Photo Courtesy of Jonas Hannson
Any final shoutouts?
JH: Thank you guys at Blader Union, excited to see more blade content done right. ROLLERBLADING in general. And of course thanks to the homie Eugen.. Can't stop. Won’t stop. Uh-uh, uh-uh
EE: Thanks to you guys for doing this with us, thanks to all my sponsors, Family, homies and especially to Jonas for the great time!
Thank you both for swinging by. This is by far the best purchase we've made this year, and can't wait to see what Agent Q is cooking up as well. You both knocked it out of the park and then some. Pick up the section of the year here on Sellfy. - Travis | Blader Union
If you haven't seen, we have a second project currently in progress with Eugen right now. Feel free to subscribe to our Patreon campaign, and shout a trick you'd love to see him try. More information is available here on our Patreon Crowd Funded project.
Teaser available here: