Scott Quinn - Elite Series 3 by Jonas Hansson
About 10 years ago in the sun drenched land of San Diego I had the honor to meet Scott Quinn. I was hanging around the Razors Warehouse right before the SDSF Open was going to happen. A few team riders from across the globe descended to city and bunked up at a house right on the water in Imperial Beach. I was a 5 minute drive away in Claremont, so naturally I would serve as tour guide for the crew. Chaz Sands, Avichai Wechsler, Fabio Enes, CJ Wellsmore, and in the background was a face I had never seen before, Scott Quinn or Quinny as we all called him. Small in stature but nimble on his feet, with one of the thickest Scottish accents I have ever heard in person, always smiling and down to shred. It only took two sessions to understand that though he came from the shadow of Chaz Sands, Quinny was anything but a shadow.
After 6 weeks of skating nearly everyday, filming tricks, going to Esco on Mondays, and BSing at the beach house, we had to part ways. I remember running everyone to the airport and Quinny gave me his Razors bag (partly because he got a new one, and partly because he was overloaded) before we collectively said our goodbyes with promises of catching up in Scotland sometime. Though I've yet to make the trip, I still use that razor bag to this day to bring my skates to every session. Dingy, caked in wax, rigid from years of sun abused wax bars, and airport carousels, that bag is a reminder of the person I met nearly a decade ago. Now with one of the best looking Razor skate releases of all time under his belt, and countless miles spent with the Cayenne crew through Europe and beyond, he's partnered up with Jonas Hansson to bring you the third chapter in his Elite Series.
Scott Quinn - True Top Soul
Just like the last two releases, the filming, color correction, sound selection, and framing are all on or above point. The section starts off semi industrial with a sound you just can't quite put your finger on but at the same time can't turn an ear away from. With some framing of the stunning European Architecture and some quick and very difficult switchups, the pace really starts to pickup. Skating 8 down on his GC Megas and absolutely charging at obstacles, Jonas keeps pace with gear in hand with buttery smooth panning and follow shots.
As quickly as the industrial sounds become part of the video, they disappear and lead into something richer and more Shaolin-esque. You can feel the vibe through the entire video of how much Scott loves to skate. Every trick is so throughly thought out, calculated, finessed. Every frame is a painting. The colors though muted slightly, shine through like a light in the black nothing of night. The vividness of this blue ground below, tracking just the skaters feet, telling a story all on its own.
I can ramble on forever if given the chance to do so about how good these three videos have been. Jonas has again outdone himself. Though Scott's skating might not be as complex as Eugen's from Elite Series 2, it stands well on its own with big obstacles, lofty gaps, and an absolutely nutty rail transfer you've just gotta see. Seeing someone go from the shadow of a friend to one of the best skaters in the game is a real honor. I wore your skate through three sets of souls, sliders, and backsides and still have them strapped up and ready to go. Congrats to you both on this absolute masterpiece of skating and cinematography. Do yourself a favor and click the button below to pick up this video and watch the hell out of it. Keep your eyes open for the next in the series. Cheers!