Alex Burston - Burst Blog #1 | VLOG

Burst blog #1

13.1.2017 - 17.1.2017

First of all THANK YOU to Frazer Watson for borrowing me your Gopro and for helping inspire me to do a video blog.
Also THANK YOU my brother Ollie Sibbald aka XB4T for the inspiration.

Errrrrr yeah, so.
My name is Alex Burston and I ride for Razors skates, BHC wheels, GC frames and Loco skate shop.
Here is my first video blog.
From Manchester to Bristol from Bristol to Peterborough.

This is the first of many video blogs I intend to release this year.
There will be days full of skating and or other activities.There may be days empty with not much going on. I would like to show you more of the full days and the

activities I will be getting up to in my spare time, which is all the time!
I will be travailing as far and wide as I possibly can. From the corner shop to a place near you. 
I am mainly residing in Manchester UK although I do not really have a fixed abode apart from the body I inhabit. 

Rollerblading has paved the way for me since I can remember. I started skating at the age of 3 and have kept my rollerblades close to me ever since.

I want to share with you as much of my general every day life as possible, without it getting too boring.
With this episode being the first one it is 20 minutes in length. Future episodes may be shorter. Or may not. 
Either way, watch it its WELL GOOD!!!

On the fist episode I travel to Bristol to see Mark Trebble to hang and film some skating. I go from Bristol to Peterborough to visit Matt Ford to hang, skate and also

go check Adrenaline alley skatepark in Corby.

Featuring Wez Davis, Laura Hemming/Lemon, Mark Trebble, Ollie Jones, Sam Davies, Matt Brown, Matt Ford and Allan Chalmers. 

Big THANK YOU to Mr and Mrs Trebble for letting me stay the weekend and THANK YOU to Matt Ford, Tinikka and Alpal for letting me come stay all week!

Song #1: The Natural Curriculum-Chalk-Jazz club
Song #2: Riddle-Electric
Song #3: Elevator music 1 hour
Song #4: The investigator instrumental-Pro P
Song #5: Skittles-Tip-i-cal-ly
Song #6: Circus theme music
Song #7: Realest to do it instrumental-Pro P
