Jump Street Podcast #102 - Json Adriani

“Json is a busy guy over in Italy. We talk about his skate school, who he wants on his online Blading Chats, being a fanboy in blading, positivity between sports, and more.” - JSP

General Gossip #3 - Organization, Community, Planning (OCP)

“Brandon Thompson (@dressupjesus on Instagram) takes over to teach us all how to build our community and how to properly organize and plan skate competitions. He also digs into his past with FAZ, his time in the Air Force, pee dreams, and his Facebook events calendar. Be sure to donate to the last King of Cleveland by visiting bladecle.org” - Adam Samurai

Jump Street Podcast #101 - Mike Opalek

“Mike was around with the pioneers of our sport since the early 90s. We talk about being a part of Hoax II, having the first pro wheel in skating, designing the Oxygen skate, and more.” - JSP

Platform #38 - Freddy White

“Sometimes, a bald Scotsman feels the need to interview an equally bald Frenchman. Freddy White has worked tirelessly to provide blading content over the years, with Frenchie Fries, Be-Mag, FISE, Cayenne Project and more, so it seemed only right to sit him down and ask about it all.

I managed to make not one but TWO errors in the intro. Nils Jansons' VOD is called Mind Your Step, not Mind The Step, and there are four Cayenne Project videos, not three, even though I listed all four in the intro! I blame old age.” - David McNamara

Blader Union is proud to sponsor the Platform podcast.
Platform is also available on Spotify and iTunes.

Bankcast #6 - Chris Doughty

“Chris Doughty rose to prominence in the Scottish and United Kingdom skate scenes in the late 1990s. His legacy is represented within the 'Enigma' brand and ground-breaking Enigma Video. Furthermore, his skating touched the ceiling of what was possible during his short career. Chris talks about his life in skating and how he has returned to the skate world with a renewed sense of connection.” - Bank LDN

Back to Blading #75 - Did You Get That Blood Stain Out?

On this episode Ben and Law talk about Them having a moment, Montre’s new venture, Falling down and getting hit by cars, new Rollerblade skates and a ton more.