Rock Town Podcast #133 - Filthy Fiesta 3 Primer


Hey! Come win a loaf!

Filthy Fiesta 3 is going down at noon on Oct. 12 at Third and Army in San Francisco, Calif. The last two events have been hella fun because they’re not competitions. They’re fiestas.

Phil, Cameron, ESG and Krans talk about past events, including the beloved long-jump contest complete with motorized acceleration. We find out what’s in store this time, which could include getting roped, winning a loaf, and skating a BJ Bernhardt custom-made DIY obstacle.

We also offer tips on what you should bring to create the best possible experience. For starters, mark it on your calendar: Oct. 12. Noon. Third and Army. San Francisco.

Rock Town Podcast #132 - Phil In Australia


Here’s what’s not on this episode: Phil’s thoughts on Australian milkshakes.

“Rock Town co-host Phillip Moore recently traveled to Australia to visit his partner’s home and meet many of her friends. He took along his skates and a recorder to talk with some Aussie locals and a recent transplant. After coming back to Oakland, he shared his adventures in the Rock Town Garage.” - Brian Krans

Rock Town Podcast #131 - Nate Herse of Akerue


“It’s okay, Shredpool. Our fingies are safe. Nate Herse is an engineer and a rollerblader who made some frames called Akerue. They look like aluminum skeletons. He tells Levi Sebastian, Brian Krans and Chris Bjerre about his thought process behind their design and construction and what it will take to make them available to the rest of us. Not only did we get to skate the frame, but we read from the journal traveling with one of the two pairs available and hear what others had to say.” - Brian Krans

Rock Town Podcast #130 - BFree's #731


Two years ago, Brian "BFree" Freeman started skating every day, first recording clips using a shoe tripod and soon developing a thesis: Let’s Get It Forever.

Rock Town Podcast Co-Host Levi Sebastian talks with BFree before one of his three sessions on Day 731, his two-year anniversary. They talk about inspiration, the Bfree Blading Academy, demos at Oakland’s First Fridays and more. (Krans interjects some history on Town Park, where the interview took place.)

Rock Town Podcast #129 - Hit It Whet With Taylor Kobryn



Taylor Kobryn is a college student and blade filmmaker living in San Francisco. He’s current filming for Hit It Whet, a video with an impressive amount of talent, largely filmed in the lovely San Francisco Bay Area.

We talk about his video, skating-friendly architecture in San Francisco, heroes like Danny Beer and Isiah England, billing for mandatory minimums, the need for Australian competitions, and how Taylor is looking for blading musicians to contribute to Hit It Whet.

Rock Town Podcast #128 - Grant Hazelton


Grant Hazelton is a skater out of Rochester, New York, who was in the Bay Area for the Gold Comp. Despite feeling under the weather that day, he was still able to skate some iconic spots in the area and spend some time talking (and skating) with Rock Town co-host Levi Sebastian. 

Rock Town Podcast #127 - Gold Comp


The Gold Comp was held April 27th, 2019 in San Jose, Calif. With $2,500 on the line, it brought out some talent from far away. Levi was there recording most of it, so he and Brian go through some of the major events of the day.