Blader Union

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Be-Mag Presents Queer Voices In Rollerblading

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“Being queer in rollerblade culture has been a story that has remained on the peripheries for much of its history. The reasons vary but several stand out. The cis-heterosexual bias of a predominantly masculine sport and an unconscious partiality towards those who reflect your values and beliefs (the latter of which is tribalism inherent to all people). Then there are societal and cultural rules that enforce stringent values (gender roles for instance) and repress queer lives with threats of discrimination and violence. Lastly, are the limited channels the sport has offered to discuss these issues. It should be said these aren’t unique to rollerblading, merely magnified from the society which they are cast from. As society becomes more enlightened, so does the the sport. Attitudes from 20 years ago feel dated and uncouth. Media like Jump Street Podcast recently interviewed Tim Adams to openly talk about being gay. It is something I can’t say would have happened even 10 years ago. The boom of social media has also shifted perception in our subculture by allowing people to find those of like minds and bodies. That became readily apparent when putting together this article

While not the first time Be-Mag has talked about these matters (see former Editor in Chief Josip Jagić’s story ‘Blading’s Battle with Bigotry‘), it marks a first in bringing these many voices together.” - Jonathan Labez for