Blader Union

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Beau Geste by Dem Tennessee Boys

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beau geste
/ˌbō ˈZHest/
a noble and generous act.
We are excited to present our newest project, with full sections on Cameron Martin, Julian Mire, and Zach Leavell. Also with Chris Kelley, Alex Sams, Read Davis, John Heibert, Kofi Christie, Austin Leavell, Chad Anthony, Austin Black, Ethan Pugh, Reese Bolton, Marshall Bolton, Zach Anthony, and Josh Goldberg.

As a noble or generous act, we want our footage to be available to watch for free. We ask that if you feel inclined to donate your money, that you donate it to a charity of your choice, such as Black Lives Matter. We ask you to donate your money to a charity or cause that’s promoting needed change, whether it’s for social justice and/or equality to those who have not experienced it or have been targeted by their skin color and/ or sexual preference. We also stand behind those companies making mental health a priority.
All of us would like to think everyone who donated to the Asphalt Beach relief fund and the King Souls fundraiser. We are able to continue thanks to our community and are humbled by your generosity.

DTB 2020
Filmed and edited by Zach Leavell
Featuring Cameron Martin, Julian Mire, Zach Leavell
Additional skating by Chris Kelley, Read Davis, John Heibert, Kofi Christie, Austin Leavell, Austin Black, Chad Anthony, Zach Anthony, Reese Bolton, Marshall Bolton, and Alex Sams