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Cavin Brinkman's Plastic Pushers 2(020) Leftovers

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“In September, I started filming for Plastic Pushers 2, the first clips are usually the ones you don't use because people need to warm up and get the feeling back, but they can still be good for a small online montage. If these are leftovers what will the real deal be like?“ - Cavin Brinkman

Featuring: Ryan Claus, Vivien Butot, Wisse Ankersmit, Franck Trozzo, Sven Boekhorst, Steven Tonnon, Hans Hardonk, Niels Groenendijk, Brian Baron, Kenny Owens, Daan Hegt, Dominik Wagner, Sem Croft, Adrian Deck, Jeroen Wullems, Ralf vd Kerkhof, Randy Abels, Levi van Rijn, Davie Nijenbrink and a glimps of Bojd Vredevoogd