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Anthony Sereni with 126 Seconds in PDX by Zach Gideon

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"Anthony Sereni is originally from Philadelphia, the epicenter of stylish skating. He now lives in Oregon, where he makes the finest wine around. Anthony has been a staple in the PNW scene throughout the 2010's. This summer, he and I switched up the pace after reflecting on movement, skating, and the fact that we haven't filmed much in the past few years. One day, Anthony mentioned that he wanted to work on a section over the summer until harvest time at the vineyard where he works.

So was born the Sereni PDX 126 piece. Keeping it COVID-safe, we stayed in the streets of Portland, Oregon where the crowds were low, and the spots were prime." - Zach Gideon

Anthony Sereni with 126 Seconds in PDX was completely created and edited by Zach Gideon and Anthony Sereni. Blader Union did not fund or participate in the creation of this video. We've partnered with them to host and share the video out to a larger audience that they couldn’t reach independently of our site and platform. If you'd like to have a video shared this way through our channel and platform, please reach out and let us know. Blader Union is happy to help on projects, large or small.