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Winterclash 2020 'What does it all mean' by ButterTV

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“No one knows why we are still here. It’s probably because we love what we’re doing and with Winterclash we are trying to showcase exactly that.” — Johanes ‘Jojo’ Jacobi

Eindhoven, Netherlands - February 13-15, 2020. Three days of madness…again. Winterclash is THE event that kicks off every year with a bang. Taking place during one of the colder months of winter, piling up inside a skatepark with friends from all around the world to celebrate skating doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I always tell people whether you currently skate, used to skate, or just looking for a good time that Winterclash should be on your to-do list. Always great skating and insights through panel discussions, always a challenge to film, and ALWAYS a great time. Once again, thank you to Jojo and co. for putting together another successful year and because of the current climate of the world—I am very curious as to what plans will unfold for 2021. Cheers! - JP Primiano | ButterTV