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ButterTV Presents Queen City Kings Contest 2019

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“…I want y’all to figure out what it is for next year cuz it just gets more and more and more; and you know where all that support comes from? From all of you!” —Montre Livingston

Charlotte, North Carolina — December 6th-7th 2019. Montre Livingston teamed up with OSO Skatepark (A fun sized park tailor made for blading an infinite number of lines) to host their 2nd annual QCKC event. The south has always been a place of amazing hospitality and this was nothing short of that; two days of cheers, beers, and good vibes along with Montre’s energetic presence on the microphone. Shout out to everyone that was there and the positivity that you all produced. Special thank you to Montre, Kiersten, and family. Cheers!
- Butter TV