Blader Union

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Blader Union Presents Jon Fromm in Way of the Road

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Blader Union is proud to present the newest addition to our Crowd Funded video series, Jon Fromm's Way of the Road. Featuring skating from New York, North Carolina, Florida, Oregon, and California, the video was shot and edited by Brandon Andersen.

Jon Fromm is one of the biggest professionals in skating. The well versed world traveler can be found on nearly any given day across the globe at some destination with his skates in hand, sharing the love for skating with the masses. Brandon Andersen is a full time videographer and producer for Hitstring Media based out of Lawrenceville, Ga, USA. He has worked on various projects that have gone on to be syndicated across the entire US.

The thought process behind this video was for Jon and Brandon to travel to new locations while capturing the scenery and skating while putting this project together. Aligning Brandon's shooting schedule for Hitstring along with Jon's full time engineering career and his rigorous travel schedule lead to a long process to complete this project. With time always being the factor, the two set out an ambitious schedule at each stop trying to capture everything they could before both time and external factors like weather and security descended on them.

Way of the Road is the culmination of these efforts. The two have put together an absolute masterpiece of technical skating, beautiful scenery, time lapses, and story telling, all brought together into this perfect final product. We are proud to now be able to share these efforts with the world.

Blader Union wants to thank the continued support of all of our Patreon subscribers. Through your support, we were able to pay Jon and Brandon for this project. We continue our push to make great content ready and available for anyone who wants to see it without putting it behind paywalls, VODs, or time gated releases. If you'd like to become a supporter and continue to help us support amazing content like Way of the Road, please click on the link below and consider becoming a Patron.