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Be-Mag Announces Plan to Close Message Boards

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Yesterday Be-Mag announced that they will be shutting down and archiving their infamous message boards which have served as as integral part of the blading community for many years. Whether you lurked the discussions or were an active participant you’d be hard pressed to find someone involved in rollerblading over the 15-18 years who didn’t spend a large amount of time on the Be-Mag message boards in order to get up to speed on the latest rumors, gossip, hardware mods, or participate in community driven projects like the 30+ edits. This truly marks the end of an era.

The Message boards will be archived in a read-only state beginning on November 21st, 2019. Please follow the link below to read the full article detailing the timeline for completing the transition and information regarding user profiles and signatures.

If you would like to join new rollerblading communities online we recommend the following forums and groups: