Blader Union

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Zach breaks down the differences between NN Ninjas and Endless 90s

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“It can be tough to choose between the NN Ninja (V.m) and the Endless 90. In this video we will look at their weights, ride height, measure the rocker, and give you my impressions on how they skate differently. I have been inline skating for about 3 years. Like most people, I started with flat skate frames that were 243 mm long. The frames here are rockered and are 273 mm, which for many of us is a better length if your foot is longer than the 243 mm. So is NN or Endless better for rollerbladers? That depends on what skating you enjoy most. I think one is better for wizard skating and another for all around or urban freestyle skating. But both are great. These are just my opinions.” - Zach Jones